PALM PASSION SUNDAY (April 14) 10:30am worship with special music and intergenerational choirs.
TOTS TO TEENS Easter Party April 14that 12:00 pm.
CENTERING PRAYER Wednesday April 17th @ 7 pm.
MAUNDY THURSDAY (April 18) Potluck supper and program at 6:30pm in the Calvin Auditorium. Sign-ups for food and clean-up will be in the Parlor. Tenebrae Service and Communion at 8:00pm in the Sanctuary. Child care for 6 and under in the Nursery from 7:00 to 9:15pm.
PRAYER VIGIL at 9:00pm Thursday to 10:00am Good Friday in the Chapel. (After Tenebrae service.) Come for an hour or more. We hope to have at least one person awake and at prayer throughout the vigil. Sign-up in the Parlor.
GOOD FRIDAY (April 19) 10:00am worship in the Sanctuary. Tentatively, child care provided in the Nursery from 9:45-11:15 am.
EASTER (April 21) Ecumenical Sunrise Service at 6:30 am a t Jenkins Point, Irvington Reservoir. Fellowship with coffee and donuts follows in Calvin Auditorium. All-Church worship in the Sanctuary with festival music at 10:30am. Followed by coffee hour in Calvin Auditorium. Childcare in the Nursery.
VESPERS (begins Wednesday April 24)