Dear Church,
Below is the link to a Good Friday audio from Jon and me.
You know what?  Making these audios brings your faces to my mind.  I see you one by one as I’m recording and that ends up feeling more emotionally intimate than standing in a pulpit with you scattered out in pews.  Isn’t that weird?  I see you.  When I wander around in the empty sanctuary, as I do several times a week, I see you there, too.  I hope that you see one another as you close your eyes and listen.
Please stay connected.  Reach out to others, even those you don’t know that well.  If you want to have a list of folks to keep up with, the deacons can organize that for you.  Let us know.  Calling people is an important ministry just now.
May this day and tomorrow bring you a palpable sense of God’s love.  Easter comes.
The peace of Christ be with you all,
Interim Pastor Jane Ann


Interim Pastor Jane Ann Groom

Irvington Presbyterian Church
Attachments area