will be held on Thursday, May 23rd at 7 – 8:30 PM in Calvin Auditorium at IPC. This class was developed by BleedingControl.org an initiative of the American College of Surgeons and the Hartford Consensus. Similar to how the general public learns and performs CPR, the public must learn proper bleeding control techniques, including how to use their hands, dressings, and tourniquets. Participants of this free Stop The Bleed class will learn how to stop someone from bleeding to death in as little as 3 minutes. You will walk out with the knowledge, and confidence, that you can take the first critical steps toward saving someone’s life.
To sign up for the class please contact Mark Poling at
[email protected] or 914-222-0767. Registration is limited to 25.
This class is an early step in IPC Session’s emergency preparedness program.