

The Morning Book Club will meet on Tuesday, June 13 at 9:30 in the Parlor to discuss The Traitor’s Wife: The Woman Behind Benedict Arnold and the Plan to Betray America by Allison Pataki. A riveting historical novel about Peggy Shippen Arnold, the wife of Benedict Arnold and mastermind behind America’s most infamous act of [...]

IPC BOOK CLUBS2018-03-25T18:33:21-04:00


Summer Sundays are for children age 5 through those entering 4th grade.  Older children may assist the instructor.  These sessions will meet during worship (10:30-11:30 am) in the Whitmore Room on June 18 & 25, July 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30th.  They will consist of Bible stories, crafts and gardening.  Summer Sundays for Kids is a cooperative [...]

SUMMER SUNDAYS FOR KIDS2018-03-25T18:33:21-04:00


 On Sunday, June 11th the Sunday School classes participate in worship & all-church picnic!  

YOUTH SUNDAY2018-03-25T18:33:21-04:00

Duruflé Requiem

Sunday, May 21st at 4pm the IPC Chancel Choir, Youth and Children’s Choirs, orchestra, and mezzo-soprano Andrea Saposnik will present the Duruflé Requiem. We are most excited to revive the annual tradition of a choral/orchestral Spring Concert!

Duruflé Requiem2017-06-04T17:27:48-04:00

Good Shepherd Spring Carnival

Saturday, May 6th - All Families are welcome! Enjoy the Bouncy Castle and other fun activities, arts and crafts and refreshments at the Sunflower Cafe.

Good Shepherd Spring Carnival2017-05-07T23:35:57-04:00

Midnight Run

Friday, May 19 Youth volunteers in Grades 5 and older are needed to help! Meet in the IPC KITCHEN at 6:30 to prepare sandwiches for homeless people in New York City. Plan to give 2 1⁄2 hours of your time. If you are a highschooler and interested in going on the run itself, please let [...]

Midnight Run2017-06-04T17:28:15-04:00

The Psychology of Faith

Sunday mornings at 9:00 in the Upper Room on April 30, and May 7, 1 4 & 21.  Led by Mary Bongiovi. The class will discuss faith’s psychology and the psychological faiths, what is faith and who has it, and the role of religion and spirituality in mental health.

The Psychology of Faith2017-06-04T17:28:58-04:00

Family Luncheon of Giving

April 30th,  2017 at 12 PM Please join us for food and fellowship at our annual family luncheon of giving help in Calvin Auditorium. This year we are supporting Children’s Village and several of the programs that they offer. Children’s Village has a residential school in Dobbs Ferry, community outreach, short term shelters and housing [...]

Family Luncheon of Giving2018-03-25T18:33:21-04:00

Easter Sunday

Ecumenical Sunrise service at 6:30 am at Jenkins Point, Irvington Reservoir.  All-Church worship at 10:30 am in the sanctuary with festival music.

Easter Sunday2018-03-25T18:33:21-04:00

Good Friday, April 14th

10:00 am worship and communion in the Chapel. Child care provided in the Nursery, 9:45-11:15 am.

Good Friday, April 14th2018-03-25T18:33:21-04:00
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