
Holly Week Events

PALM PASSION SUNDAY (April 14) 10:30am worship with special music and intergenerational choirs. TOTS TO TEENS Easter Party April 14that 12:00 pm. CENTERING PRAYER Wednesday April 17th @ 7 pm. MAUNDY THURSDAY (April 18) Potluck supper and program at 6:30pm in the Calvin Auditorium. Sign-ups for food and clean-up will be in the Parlor. Tenebrae [...]

Holly Week Events2019-04-25T22:04:18-04:00

Ash Wednesday Service

March 6 at  7:30 PM Lenten Wednesdays begin with Ash Wednesday service March 6 at 7:30PM in the Chapel. On the following Wednesdays in Lent, Centering Prayer is offered in the Chapel followed by the ancient practice of lectio divina March 13 through April 17 at 7:30PM. These simple contemplative practices offer a way to [...]

Ash Wednesday Service2019-03-30T20:32:05-04:00

Tots to Teens Valentine’s Day Party

  Sunday, February 10th after worship in the Westminster Room For children 2 + up, siblings, friends, parents. Come for a light lunch, treats and fun making Valentine’s Day crafts to decorate the Parlor. RSVP to Zack by Feb. 6th at [email protected]

Tots to Teens Valentine’s Day Party2019-03-03T13:40:35-05:00

Presbyterian Women’s Annual Meeting

Calling IPC WOMEN! Join us for our annual meeting Sunday, Feb 10th after worship, in the Calvin Auditorium!  If you’re a woman who attends our church, you’re automatically a member of the Presbyterian Women, and are invited to attend. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the group and to have input on [...]

Presbyterian Women’s Annual Meeting2019-03-03T13:41:13-05:00

Midnight Run

January 11 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm For grades 5 and up. Bring your friends! Come to the IPC Kitchen and plan on volunteering up to 2 1⁄2 hours of your time to help prepare food and pack food, toiletries and clothing for this St. Barnabas run. A few spots may be available for High School [...]

Midnight Run2019-01-13T23:51:27-05:00

Messiah Concert

Mark your calendars for our annual Messiah concert on Sunday, December 9 at 4 p.m.! Please make every effort to attend, and spread the word with your friends and family. Let’s fill our pews for this glorious holiday tradition! As you know, Messiah is funded solely by contributions from our members and friends. Please consider [...]

Messiah Concert2018-12-12T18:16:26-05:00

IPC Christmas Events

Greening of the Irvington Presbyterian Church will take place on Saturday, December 8th from 12 - 2 pm and Saturday, December 15th from 10 am to 12 pm. Please join us in getting in the Christmas spirit as we participate in the greening of the church! Tots to Teen Christmas Party will be held on [...]

IPC Christmas Events2019-01-07T15:02:15-05:00
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