Dear Church,

Today’s text is 1 Peter: 2:  2-10 that alludes to  “pure spiritual milk.”
The King James version of this text is more explicit:  “desire the sincere milk of the word.”    In my reflection on this audio (link below)  I focus on scripture, however, there are other ways to drink the pure spiritual milk that will nourish us.
The Wesleyan Quadrilateral is an approach that teaches four sources as basis for spiritual development:  scripture, tradition, reason, and experience.  Some would add prayer and nature as ways to know God.
“The word”  is also the presence of Christ unmediated by our tradition and scripture.  Not everyone can read or understand.  Christ isn’t bound by our intellect or access to a written word or knowledge of church, or affirmation of creeds and dogma.  God is God and we are not in charge.  Mystery is not in our control.
I hope that you find something nurturing here.  I don’t aim to provide answers so much as to invite your questions. Questions open us to God more than our certainties ever will.
love to you, Interim Pastor Jane Ann

Interim Pastor Jane Ann Groom

Irvington Presbyterian Church
Attachments area

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