Dear friends, Your Session met on March 12th and prayerfully considered our response to the Coronavirus. A simple scan of local and national news indicates those of us living in Westchester are entering a time of greater exposure to the virus. Therefore, with an abundance of caution and to protect our vulnerable members, the Session unanimously agreed to close the church until further notice. What does this mean?

1. Starting this Sunday, March 15, there will be no worship services.

2. There will be no Sunday School or Adult Ed or choir practice.

3. There will be no committee meetings at the church, though we anticipate they will take place remotely.

4. There will be no group meetings at the church. This includes the Boy Scouts, AA, and other groups who use the church.

5. The Good Shepherd Early Childhood Center operates under its own governance, and is likely to stay open a bit longer, but they will probably shut down by next week.

6. The church office will stay open. Phyllis may choose to work remotely at some point, but we hope to maintain a presence at the office.

7. John Golden’s memorial service will be held at a later date.

The Good News.

Yes, there is always good news!

Remember our Lord’s words in John 8: 12: “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

1. The work of the church will continue, even if not in the physical building. Committees will meet remotely. The Pastor Nominating Committee continues to meet, and is making great progress.

2. Going forward we plan to create some sort of on-line service for Sunday mornings (though not this Sunday. It will take a little time to set up.) Our hope is that this will also include some singing streamed by members of our choir. This is exciting because, even after this pandemic passes, it will open up a new way for us to reach out to our shut-ins.

3. We plan to expand our prayer ministry.

Please contact us with special prayer requests, and also more tangible requests. If you are quarantined and need food, or simply conversation, please contact us. At the same time Pastor Jane Ann and church officers will be calling you, to check up on how you’re doing. Interim Pastor Jane Ann Groom 914-591-8124 [email protected]

4. Now is a great time to familiarize yourself with our electronic giving options, which you can find on the website of the church. Your donations can also be mailed to the church at IPC 25 N. Broadway, Irvington, NY 10533.

To close, please bear in mind that these decisions are being made proactively to protect our church family and the greater community. Choose best practices for staying safe in your daily lives. And we know you will join us in praying for this situation, for those affected, for those afraid, and for those providing care. Trusting in the knowledge that this, too, will pass your Session sends peace and well-being to you and yours.