Dear Members and Friends,
In addition to our online streaming ( or send email to [email protected] for Zoom link), we are offering outdoor worship (weather permitting).
To ensure the safety of all those who are worshiping in person, all participants MUST wear a mask and remain 6 ft part from people who are not apart of their household. If you are unable to do so, we respectfully request you worship with us online.
The following FAQ is being shared to help you prepare. We will continue to update as new questions arise.
When will worship take place? 10:30am (normal worship time)
Where will worship be held? Back lawn near the Memorial Garden
Who will be leading worship? Music & Worship committee will engage lay leaders and guest ministers to lead worship each week.
How will seating be handled? Large socially distant circles will be drawn on the back lawn where families/individuals that are already living together would be able to sit together.
Will chairs be provided? Chairs will be provided. You are welcome to bring your own camp/lawn chairs from your homes for greater comfort.
What precautions should families take before they arrive? Everyone should take their temperature and should plan to stay home if they have a fever or are feeling sick.
Will everyone be required to wear a mask? Everyone will be required to wear a mask as they as they arrive, and at all times until they leave worship.
Will masks be available for those who forget to bring their own? Yes, the church has a supply of masks on hand for those who need them.
Will the church provide hand sanitizer? Yes, the church will have hand sanitizer available for the congregation to use, as necessary.
What will be required upon arrival? Each person will be required to sign in and attest to the fact that they do not have a fever.
Why is the sign in required? The sign in is required so that we know who to notify if someone present is later diagnosed to have Covid-19.
Will bathrooms be available for those who need them? Yes, the two bathrooms in the hallway between the kitchen and John Knox Hall will be open and available for everyone to use.
What cleaning precautions will be used before and after services? All chairs, doors, and bathrooms will be cleaned before and after services using approved disinfectants.
Will Bibles and Hymnals be provided? No. Congregants are encouraged to bring their own bibles to church with them during this period. If anyone does not have a bible for personal use, the church would be more than happy to loan you one.
Will the congregation sing hymns together? No. Currently, best practices still suggest that large groups not sing close together.
Will the service have any music? A Soloist and/or pre-recorded ensemble singing will be provided.
Will services be conducted inside if it is raining on a given Sunday? No. The Session has not made the decision to resume worship services indoors at this time.
How will cancellation of services be communicated to the congregation in the advent of rain? If outdoor services will be cancelled, a notice will be posted on the Church website, our Facebook page, and the church answering machine by 8:30am that Sunday morning.
For those who do not choose to resume worship in person outdoors at this time, will services still be posted online? Yes, worship services will continue to be posted online for everyone’s use. You can watch our live stream worship on IPC’s Facebook page.
Will there be coffee hour after the services? There is no in person coffee hour. Please do not talk in the parking lot after the service. You can return home and join our Zoom coffee hour at 11:30 am. Please send message to [email protected] to receive the Zoom link.