The church is available for the weddings of members and families of members, or at the Session’s discretion. If you get married in our church, in addition to assuring that the service is a beautiful beginning to a vital and successful marriage, we hope to continue to support you as your life as a family unfolds.

Memorial Services
The death of a loved one, regardless of the circumstances, is a time of significant loss and grief, and the pastor and staff at Irvington Presbyterian Church are here to assist you in your time of need. Because Christians believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting, we understand death to be a natural part of life. This conviction guides the church in its ministry to those who have lost a loved one to death, affirming with both joy and tears the promise and hope of the gospels. The church is available for funerals and memorial services for members and friends, and otherwise at the discretion of the pastor.

You can contact the office at 914-591-8124 to enquire about either service.